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Release Response and Site Restoration

Bowron provides a wide range of spill response and site restoration services for release events of all sizes. We have a wide network of field based Environmental Supervisors which allows for a cost effective and timely response to release occurrences.   Our team has extensive experience in initial emergency containment and recovery, regulatory reporting, delineation assessments, site restoration, and closure reporting. Wherever possible we look for innovative remedial pathways that promote sound and regulatory compliant closures while limiting the financial exposure of conventional recovery and disposal pathways.

Our Release Response and Site Restoration service line includes:

  • Initial Response and Assessment
  • Emergency Containment and Recovery
  • Stakeholder Liaison and Regulatory Reporting
  • Vendor Management and Pre-Qualification
  • Delineation and Pathway Assessments
  • Remedial Plan Design, Evaluation and Implementation
  • Monitoring Program Development and Implementation
  • Closure Reporting

Additional Services:

